I wish that all voters were required to study and discuss this curriculum. If the general population had this grade 5 level education we would be much better off.

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Thanks so much. This article was very helpful to me.

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This was a great read. Great read.

As I was reading it just made so much sense. I’ve railed about “authoritarian libertarianism” but Dr. Wesley really nailed the dynamic. My feeling that “culture wars” was dominant over good governance is really that majority suppressing DEI principles.

As I read of populist leanings and the dynamic between “liberal” and “democracy” were described, the road map for Danielle was clearly in Red States and the Trump admin. And she is transparent about that.

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If only more of the UCP cabinet had made it to grade 5🥲

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Carl Schmitt (1888–1985) “the state of exception” in ‘Political Theology’ the belief in authoritarianism suspending our legal rights in essence creating crisis.

The interesting irony in past grade 5 curriculum also had a unit on the history of Quebec and the influence of the Catholic Church (a different take on democracy?). Another story.

Friends of the UCP (who cast 53% of votes from only 53% of those eligible to vote) claim a mandate from the people that echos Trumpism. Whatever.

Great article, “It’s a system that thrives when it protects and respects diverse voices” and checks political/economic cronyism.

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Interesting other read from Dr.Schneider https://open.substack.com/pub/drsmalltalk/p/andalusian-blues-notes-on-the-end?r=6nhiu on the state of democracy studying world wide conservative movements from a more passioned perspective.

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Well done Jared! A clear exegesis of populism, and a preventative or antidote for what's coming federally. I've restacked, and shared on Bkuesky and in the local Mastodon instance. However, I fear I'm sharing to the choir. How do we get this before the eyes of actual Conservatives (provincial and federal)?

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This account fits the current federal Conservatives under PP as well--not to mention Trump's GQP and Orban's "illiberal democracy."

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An excellent article! Thank you for writing so clearly.

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I would add that Pericles said this about citizenry: "We do not say that a man who takes no interest in politics is a man who minds his own business; we say that he has no business here at all."

In Ontario 2022, only 43.5% of eligible voters participated. Most people couldn't take five minutes to make a simple choice.

IMO, PR would improve participation, but not solve everything, because modern society is too complex for the general public (and dimwit politicians) to understand, much less evaluate differing solutions. How many are scientifically literate and numerate? How many people understand macroeconomics or trade agreements (ex. is the TPP good, bad, or neutral)? Can Joe Six Pack explain how markets work and if any of the parties in Canada are pro-market vs pro-business?

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I agree with most of what has been said. I think though that for a well thought out critique on what freedom actually is has been expressed Yale historian Timothy Snyder in his book “On Freedom” a must read for all. As I read through Jared’s article, I can check all of the boxes off on each heading referencing most of the recent UCP legislation. The sad part is that most of the people in my rural area just dont see it. We all need to remember that most authoritarians are elected and dont come to power through a coup.The rise od tyranny is insidious and relies on a complacent population that obeys in advance and through apathy. First they attack the other- like minorities- gays, jews, trans- then they undermine the institutions that are there to truly keep us free.

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.. Exactly - Danielle Smith executed a Coup D’état from within a Secretive & Unaccountable Political Party

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Thanks for this Jared - I have found the term "populism" confusing as it implies one thing but results in the opposite, all chillingly familiar - both in Alberta and elsewhere.

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Remembering the idea of having the will of the majority, including the respect for the minority or minorities. The need for everyone to vote might change the outcome.

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