Smart. As usual.

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Perhaps you did not see the press conference with Smith and McIvor saying they don't think this would add much time at all? About 46 minutes to the end of the video.


I don't want those ideological, dishonest incompetents to stand between Albertan Canadians and our federal government. They are entirely in bad faith, picking stupid fights with Ottawa and pretending they are heroes. Smith is a separatist doing everything she can to divide Albertans from Canada.

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Enjoyed the piece. I concur that such a programme will require commitment of significant ongoing resources to engage and consistently pull off going forward. The workload of just the 800 agreements that apparently worry Smith et al is from the articles perspective, an enormous undertaking to intrude/BigFoot into. Timeliness is not the essence for Smith et al.

Sadly, I'm quite sanguine that Smith will not in any way, shape or form be arsed to commit resources - initial thoughts reported from her and McIvor point to just pilin' it on someone's desk in Intergovernmental Affairs/AB Justice and like magic, some suffering "Ministry Widow" will pull long evenings and weekends in a doomed Sisyphusian-like effort getting further and further behind. We then can cue the wailing and gnashing of teeth federally and municipally as stuff just doesn't get done.

This is just more Calgary school political vandalism.

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Also, do we really want a provincial government which includes many elected climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers to decide what research the federal government can fund? Won't that destroy our universities?


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Thank you Dr. Wesley for this insightful piece.

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The article outlines, explains and raises reasonable issues faced in these Federal/Provincial negotiations that most of us are not aware.

What happens if a Provincial Minister(Premier) draws a line in the sand opposing a negotiation for political capital? Do municipal governments have protection/participation that their requirements are being addressed that don’t require the Province? What new municipal requirements by the Province are respecting local jurisdictions? Did the Feds suggest a different negotiation process that could reduce the frustration? Point: the Feds accountability process needs assurances the $ is being spent on the agreements? Excellent point made about staffing requirements.

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